Shank it Golf
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Meet the team

  • The CEO: Niels Stone V

    Handicap: 1.5

    A washed up former professional baseball player who swings both ways. It's crazy the dude swings righty and putts lefty. Niels grew up in Naples Florida, the golf capital of the world where he would sell anything he could get his hands on. After leaving the Minor Leagues Niels founded Shankitgolf in 2020. The Star Wars nerd is a laid back dysfunctional mastermind of the golf apparel industry that couldn’t tell you what new designs are coming out soon from his own company. Niels is the type of guy that makes an impulsive decision to buy jet skis on a random Tuesday just because he saw a TikTok. Niels prides himself on his brand that he has created, his two simulator hole in one’s, and basically running an entire company by himself. Niels spends his free time eating gluten free pizza (questionable), hanging out with his wife, and playing golf on the weekends. 

  • Marketing Director: Patrick Conway AKA Bunker Pat 

    Handicap: 18

    The most interesting & most average golfer you will ever meet. Pat grew up in Libertyville Illinois, he was a 3 sport athlete where he was equally as average at each sport (he will say otherwise). Pat moved to Florida five years ago for school and to be closer to his family. Pat handles most of our marketing, customer service, and product ideas & designs on the day to day. Which means the man has a brain like few others. The CEO calls it a “steel trap” because he either retains the information you tell him and never forgets it or it bounces off the side of his head like nothing happened. Seriously though, he will tell you the same story that he told you yesterday and not remember it. His stories are crazy too. Pat knows so many people you would think he is famous. Pat spends his free time attempting to play golf and hangout with his friends while simultaneously ripping his hamstrings off the bone during our weekly mens softball league games. 

  • Mr. Everything Intern: Carter Penn

    Handicap: his brain… jk a questionable 10.5

    The frat boy of the office. Carter grew up in Rochester Michigan, where he played baseball and hockey and eventually decided to play baseball in college. After two years Carter decided to transfer schools and move to Southwest Florida and now we’re stuck with him. The Lefty does literally everything in the office from packing your orders, making content, or being good at using TikTok because his ex-girlfriend was famous on the platform and made him help her. He told us he was a -10.5 handicap in his interview… but his family would say otherwise considering they are all better at golf than him. You can hear the kid yell some of the most random outlandish things you’ve ever heard. His favorite saying is “FIOREEEE” which I guess means fire? 

  • Graphic Design Intern: Trey Handley

    Handicap: uhhhhh

    A combination of a computer guy and an assassin. Trey is from Parkland Florida, where it seems like they grew him in a lab. The Florida native is an absolute machine.  He strikes you as the quiet type until you get to talking to him and you find out he's a genius compared to the rest of us. The office rumor is that he could even be a foreign spy… When you yell his name, good luck hearing a response. The man slips away into the darkness and will appear about a minute later from thin air. It's kinda terrifying, he makes you keep your head on a swivel at all times. As mysterious as Trey is, he is a man of many talents. He does everything from pack orders, make graphics for social media, or even create Shankit original designs in the blink of an eye. The guy is a wizard behind a computer. Trey isn’t much of a golfer but we have some sneaky suspicions he was a monster on the football field back in the day. There's definitely some athlete still left in that kid.