Regular price
- June 21st 2025
- 4 Man scramble
- Email Patrick@shankitgolf.com with your shirt size and the names of the people on your team.
- If you are a single we will pair you up. Please email Patrick@shankitgolf.com and let us know you are signing up as a single.
- $169.42 is the price for 1 ticket
- Ruffled Feathers Golf Course Lemont Illinois
- 2PM Shot gun start
- CASH prize + Shankit Putter for 1st place winners :)
- $100 value of shankit gear per person
- 1 Drink ticket per person at the course
- Afterparty/Tournament Prizes at Game of Irons (Golf Simulator Bar)
- Also join the Shankit crew at a Chicago Cubs Game on Friday the 20th!
- If you purchase a ticket and cannot make it we can refund up to 2 weeks before the tournament. within 14 days of the tournament we cannot issue a refund as we have to pay for all of the tee times in advance.